Try these 4 tips for a stronger phone signal

Not having a strong phone signal is frustrating. Below are a number of tips to help if you are having signal issues.

Tip #1: Move around

A signal can be blocked by something physical getting in the way. This could be either in your immediate vicinity (i.e. your home) or further afield. So, try walking around your property to find where the signal is strongest (and note where it is weakest). Additionally, try opening a window or two and see if this helps.

Tip #2: Be patient

One common cause of issues is simply that the network may be experiencing congestion. This should be less of an issue on 5G networks. So, patience is key. Maybe try at an off-peak time if you can.

Also, your provider is able to limit access to the faster parts of their network. This may be because you have reached the limits that are outlined in your plan. If this is the case, you may have to wait for your billing cycle to renew in order to access faster speeds and better signals.

One way of ensuring that you have a reliable signal when you are out and about is to opt for a multi network SIM card. The beauty of these is that they switch you between networks based on the strength of the coverage available. This means that you should almost never lose internet access. There are a number of companies that specialise in multi network SIM cards. Many of these also have useful online resources – such as the examples seen here:

Tip #3: Check your bands

Because carriers regularly add new frequencies to their network, it can be worth checking that these are all accessible from your particular model of phone If they are not, it might be beneficial to consider buying a new 5G phone.

Tip #4: Look into buying a cellular booster

Cellular boosters are widely regarded as the most effective solution to consistently poor signals. These boosters can make a huge difference. However, they are quite expensive (£200+).

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