Five Causes of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is something that many people experience and there are a range of different reasons for people developing it. In some cases it can go away on its own, in others it may need medical intervention. Here are some of the causes of hearing loss…

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Certain Diseases – There are some diseases and illnesses that can cause hearing loss. From the common cold which leads to an ear infection, to more serious illnesses such as measles.

Hereditary Disorders – There are some disorders which can be inherited that cause hearing loss. This sometimes leads to the ear not being formed correctly, such as Treacher Collins syndrome and Patau syndrome.

Wax Build Up – Although ear wax is part of a normal healthy ear, the buildup of wax in some people can cause problems and hearing loss is one of them. When this happens, you should go to a qualified professional like this ear wax removal Poole based company to get the wax removed, don’t try to do it yourself.

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Damage to the Ear – Many people experience hearing loss caused by damage to the ear. This may be a blow to the ear which has affected the ear itself, the noise from something loud perforating the eardrum, or even skull damage.

Ototoxicity – This is damage to hearing from certain drugs or chemicals. Some of these include chemotherapy drugs, some types of antibiotics and even large amounts of aspirin, which damage hearing by causing damage to the nerves and small hairs in the ear. Chemicals in some work environments such as heavy metals and pesticides can also damage hearing in this way.

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