What is data storytelling?

It is one thing to collect and accurately interpret data but another thing entirely to be able to present key insights in ways that affect real change within organisations. The good news is that this is exactly where data storytelling comes into its own.

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An introduction to data storytelling

The data storytelling process ensures important data-driven learnings are translated into universally understandable stories that can be used by decision-makers to form new processes or launch new ideas that will help the wider business achieve its core objectives.

Data storytelling can help to illustrate everything from key trends emerging in the wider marketplace to the range of options that could help the business overcome a specific pain point or challenge.

Why is data storytelling so effective?

As this Forbes article explains, humans enjoy the ways that stories can convey emotion and offer more background than simple logic can provide. Successful data storytellers understand how to create a narrative that highlights both the process and the outcome in ways that enable non-data experts to fully immerse themselves in the learnings that are being presented to them.

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It is normal for this to seem a bit overwhelming at first. It could be beneficial to work with an external team, at least to start with, as an experienced data analysis company will build data storytelling into its services to enhance the outcomes for your business.

Why is data storytelling so important?

The intersection between visual elements, data, and narrative delivers a compelling and engaging experience that allows for a much greater appreciation for the insights that have been revealed. After all, as a Data Analysis Company will explain, stories are a vehicle through which we can make complex information instantly more engaging, persuasive, and memorable, even to an audience that is unfamiliar with the information being presented.

While graphs and charts have long been used to present pieces of information visually, only a compelling story can really bring the information to life and emphasise precisely why particular trends have emerged or why events have unfolded in a certain way.

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